vineri, 8 noiembrie 2013

The taste you have never had

Are you the one who has to take care of the drinks whenever your friend throws a party? Do you want to bring something new at the next gathering you plan but you do not know what is that? Well, now there is something that not only it will make all your friends ask you to come to all their parties but it will also turn you into the star of those parties.
If you are looking for a tasty yet healthy drink that it can make all wonder how something so good can be legal, you should try the eff juice. With its three to-die-for flavors, orange, lemon and lime and apple and guava, this effervescent drink tickles your test buds like nothing you have ever drank before while giving you a fair amount of vitamin C that you can only find in fresh fruits or vegetables.
Because it is free of preservatives, artificial flavors and colors, this effervescent drink is suited for children, pregnant women and elderly who have health problems. Instantly, from the first sip this juice will become your guilty pleasure.
With its neon colored aluminum cans, this drink will not only give you the daily serve of fruit, but it will also boost your levels of energy and keep you fit thanks to its low GI. Take this drink with you whenever you want to have an instant energizer and after a long run or a yoga session you will be as good as new sooner than you think.
In spite of its sweet taste, this drink has no sugar added. Also, it is 99% fat free so it can be drank by diabetics too, if they do not exaggerate.
Finding a good eff juice is not as easy as many would expect, so, if you find a sparkly fruity fresh juice, you should hold on to it as long as you can and, why not, share your secret with your friends.

Multiple solutions when it comes to sparkling fruit juice

The holidays are the most important and the most anticipated throughout the year. People celebrate with family and friends, exchange gifts, many prepared in the same house for the family. It is also the time when we have more guests and we must always be prepared to not get caught off guard. Sometime it may be hard to take care of all the necessary aspects of a family dinner and prepare all the gifts for your friends and you family as well. This is why you can buy a sparkling fruit juice in order to impress your guests and make them feel at home.

It is probably that sparkling sensation we feel in the mouth and down to the throat that makes us want to drink sparkling juice again and again. If you are really busy, you can find an online shop where you can buy all you may need without being necessary to lose any more time in shops and markets .

You can avoid all the negative aspects of other sparkling drinks that can cause you bad effects by trying to consume natural food. Maintaining your health and wellness is pretty simple. Just replace that bag of chips or other bad habits with a piece of fruit and you already take a front step in your daily diet.
Also, sparkling fruit juice can be a good solution for sunny days when is pretty hard to maintain a good state of mind and keep you away of sweat. Most of the time, even if we want to be on a sandy beach, because of the daily routine or our jobs, we can’t afford to abandon our responsibilities and go. This can be a perfect moment to drink a refreshing drink and go on with a better state of mind.

Private: Are Carbonated Drinks Good For Your Health?

The new trend in terms of soft drinks is the carbonated fruit juice. These drinks, assumes that it contains natural fruit juice. Not true! In reality, these are a mix of chemicals fruit flavored product with the intent to attract consumers by  ”natural” flavor and attractive price. Unfortunately, the highest percentage among consumers is owned by the kids. More recently, these drinks are allowed to be consumed even in school cafeterias. It is outrageous that daily we hear news about childhood obesity and the problems caused by foods rich in chemicals but no one takes any action to solve this problem.
  • What really attracts people to consume these drinks? Sweet taste, delicious aroma, attractive packaging and low price are the secret. Today, everyone can afford to buy a bottle of carbonated soda!
  • What really contains carbonated fruit juice? These drinks are high in sugars, sweeteners, caffeine, chemical dyes, carbon dioxide and other substances that are intended to improve the taste and preserve the product for an extended period.
  • What are the effects of consuming such a product? They have more negative effect on the human body such as:
  1. Obesity and diabetes – occurs due to excessive amount of sugar and artificial sweeteners ingested by drinking carbonated juices.
  2. The weakness of the bones – acid irritates the stomach juices. To protect the stomach body consume calcium. Also, due to repeated contact with substances in sodas, teeth decay faster. This condition is more common among children who often tend to consume such beverages.
  3. To demonstrate how harmful are to our health, there have been experiments which showed that soda can dissolve things. Scary is not it?
  • What is the alternative? carbonated fruit juice can be successfully replaced with natural fruit juices. They are healthy and easy to prepare. All you have to do is to buy a juicer and many vegetables. Regardless of the amount consumed, you will be sure that they will not affect your health and will provide necessary vitamins and minerals.
Even if natural juicing is expensive, it is a beneficial investment for your health. Soft drinks industry aims only getting a great profit; you’re the one who decides what is best for your health.