vineri, 8 noiembrie 2013

The taste you have never had

Are you the one who has to take care of the drinks whenever your friend throws a party? Do you want to bring something new at the next gathering you plan but you do not know what is that? Well, now there is something that not only it will make all your friends ask you to come to all their parties but it will also turn you into the star of those parties.
If you are looking for a tasty yet healthy drink that it can make all wonder how something so good can be legal, you should try the eff juice. With its three to-die-for flavors, orange, lemon and lime and apple and guava, this effervescent drink tickles your test buds like nothing you have ever drank before while giving you a fair amount of vitamin C that you can only find in fresh fruits or vegetables.
Because it is free of preservatives, artificial flavors and colors, this effervescent drink is suited for children, pregnant women and elderly who have health problems. Instantly, from the first sip this juice will become your guilty pleasure.
With its neon colored aluminum cans, this drink will not only give you the daily serve of fruit, but it will also boost your levels of energy and keep you fit thanks to its low GI. Take this drink with you whenever you want to have an instant energizer and after a long run or a yoga session you will be as good as new sooner than you think.
In spite of its sweet taste, this drink has no sugar added. Also, it is 99% fat free so it can be drank by diabetics too, if they do not exaggerate.
Finding a good eff juice is not as easy as many would expect, so, if you find a sparkly fruity fresh juice, you should hold on to it as long as you can and, why not, share your secret with your friends.

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